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How to Handle a Death Claim

If you have a policy with Amica Life, keep the following information in a secure place that is known to your family members in the event of your death:

  • All life insurance and annuity policies
  • Telephone numbers of the insurance companies
  • Your will
  • Any financial instructions
  • Your maintained medical history, including doctors' names and dates of visits. An insurance company may ask you for this information.

The grieving process is different for everyone. To help navigate the challenges bereavement can bring, we provide support and guidance for grieving families through the Empathy app.

After a death has occurred

  • A close family member should request five to ten certified copies of the death certificate from the funeral director. Each life insurance company will request a certified copy of the death certificate. Your bank and Social Security Administration may also need this document.
  • If family members are not sure where the deceased may have had life insurance policies, review the checkbook of the deceased to determine if any checks were written to insurance companies. In addition, review credit card statements to determine if any recurring debits are made to insurance companies.
  • Call each insurance company to report the claim. You will be carefully guided through the steps needed to settle a life insurance claim.

A close family member of the deceased should not make any immediate, life-changing decisions. Grieving takes time.


ALIC07825 Mar-27